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It's important to first understand why you are being banned in order to find an appropriate solution. Generally, if you are being banned on WhatsApp, it is because you have violated the app's terms of service or community guidelines.

Here are some tips to avoid being banned on WhatsApp:

1. Don't use unofficial or modified versions of WhatsApp. These versions can lead to a ban as they may violate the app's terms of service.

2. Don't spam or send unsolicited messages to people. WhatsApp has a limit on the number of messages you can send at once, and if you exceed that limit, it can lead to a ban.

3. Don't use offensive language or send inappropriate content. WhatsApp has a strict policy on hate speech, harassment, and other offensive content, and violating these policies can lead to a ban.

4. Don't use WhatsApp for îllégâl activities. Using the app for îllégâl activities such as selling drugs or trafficking can lead to a ban.

5. Don't share fake news or misinformation. WhatsApp has been *****ing down on the spread of fake news and misinformation, and sharing such content can lead to a ban.

In general, the best way to avoid being banned on WhatsApp is to use the app responsibly and follow its policies and guidelines. If you believe you have been banned unfairly, you can contact WhatsApp support for help.

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