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Referral Supra oracles Mission 24 Answer


Eternal Poster
Dec 22, 2021

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Supra Mission 1 Answer

Question: What kind of data do oracles help smart contracts access on the blockchain?

  • Crypto data, such as prices of crypto coins, tokens, and NFTs
  • Financial data, such as stock prices and foreign currency exchanges
  • Real-world data, such as weather, news, sports scores, date, and time
  • All of the above
Oracles are like helpers that connect smart contracts on the blockchain to all sorts of information from the real world outside the blockchain. They make it possible for smart contracts to use this data to make decisions and do useful things.

Supra Mission 2 Answer

Question: Which of the following is NOT true about Supra compared to other oracles?

  • It delivers better decentralization, security, speed, and data accuracy
  • It prevents oracle node collusion by ensuring randomness, others are prone to this
  • Supra has the fastest to full finality oracle service
  • Supra’s performance and security are at par with other oracles

Supra Mission 3 Answer

Question: Can nodes reverse transaction finality before they’re written on Supra?

  • Nodes need a 51% majority to reverse Supra’s transactions
  • Reversing finalized transactions on Supra is easy
  • Blocks on Supra cannot be reversed after they are finalized
  • Nodes can reverse transactions without any majority
Once transactions are finalized and written on Supra’s blockchain, they are set in stone and cannot be reversed or changed. It’s like writing something in permanent ink; you can’t erase it once it’s done. This is an essential feature of Supra that ensures the security and integrity of the blockchain.

Supra Mission 4 Answer

Question: What is Supra’s security method that delivers better oracle decentralization, scalability, and performance?

  • Tribes and clans randomization method
  • Static node consensus method
  • Single node attestation method
  • Supra doesn’t need a consensus method
Supra keeps things safe and running smoothly by having different teams (called tribes and clans) of workers (nodes) that constantly change who they work with. It’s like having a group of workers where the members change so frequently that no one can plan anything tricky together.

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Supra Mission 5 Answer

Question: Which NFTs in the metaverse need Supra’s speed, accuracy, and fast finality to change with real world events?

  • PFP NFTs
  • Static NFTs
  • Dynamic NFTs
  • None of the above
Dynamic NFTs are like special digital items that can change or improve based on what’s happening in the real world. Think of a sword in a game that gets stronger as you defeat more monsters or a baseball player’s card that updates when they hit home runs. These dynamic NFTs need Supra’s help to get updates quickly and accurately.

Other types of NFTs, like static ones that don’t change or PFP NFTs that are just for pictures, don’t need Supra’s help in the same way. So, Supra is important for the NFTs that can change with real-world events.

Supra Mission 6 Answer

Question: Which of the following is responsible for keeping DORA secure and consistently blazing fast?

  • Agreement Distance
  • Tick-Start DORA
  • Fallback Protocol
  • Randomization
  • All of the above
All the things listed work together to ensure DORA is safe and super quick.

Agreement distance checks data to ensure it’s not too crazy so we get good information.

Tick-Start DORA makes sure we always have fresh data.

Fallback protocol is like a backup plan that involves more people if something goes wrong so the data stays reliable.

Randomization keeps things mixed up to stop anyone from messing with the data.

Supra Mission 7 Answer

Question: What is the Tick-Start protocol of DORA?

  • A method to start a new round of agreement without waiting for earlier rounds to finish.
  • A way to measure the distance between data sources and the S-value.
  • A technique to shuffle the clan nodes to avoid collusion.
  • A strategy to validate the digital signatures of the clan nodes.
The Tick-Start protocol is like a timer that tells DORA when to start a new round of getting data. It doesn’t wait for the old round to finish; it just keeps going at a regular pace, like a clock.

This way, DORA quickly gets fresh data and keeps everything moving smoothly, like a well-timed spaceship. This helps keep the data fresh and up-to-date for the blockchain applications (dApps).

Supra Mission 8 Answer

Question: What is the purpose of agreement distance in DORA?

  • To ensure accuracy in the final result.
  • To increase network efficiency.
  • To reduce the number of nodes in the network.
  • To prevent cyber attacks.
Think of it like this: Agreement distance helps DORA ensure that the data it uses is accurate. It’s like a filter that keeps only the most accurate data and throws out anything that’s way too different from the rest. This helps DORA provide the most trustworthy information. So, it’s all about making sure the data is right!

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Supra Mission 9 Answer

Question: How do Supra’s price feeds make DeFi better?

  • On-chain finality in close to 2 seconds
  • Advanced cryptographic security
  • Price feed accuracy and stability
  • All of the above
Supra’s price feeds make DeFi (which is like a space journey in the world of digital money) better in three big ways:

  1. They make transactions super fast, almost like snapping your fingers. Imagine you want to buy something, and it happens almost instantly.
  2. They use extreme security measures. It’s like having a super-locked vault for your money so no one can s†éál it.
  3. They give you the right information about cryptocurrency prices. It’s like having a super-smart map that always shows you the correct way. This helps people make good decisions.
So, Supra’s price feeds are like a space guide for DeFi, making it faster, safer, and smarter for everyone.

Supra Mission 10 Answer

Question: Who does cross-chain interoperability help?

  • Individual Web3 explorers and users
  • Blockchain networks and ecosystems
  • dApp builders and developers
  • All of the above
Cross-chain interoperability:

  • Makes using different digital systems and apps easier for Web3 users
  • Helps blockchain networks and ecosystems work together better and connect like different pieces of a puzzle
  • Makes it simpler for dApp builders and developers to create apps that can be used in many places
So, it’s good for everyone who uses or makes things in the Web3 space.

Supra Mission 11 Answer

Question: What are the three key characteristics of good randomness for Web3?

  • Unpredictable, unbiased, verifiable
  • Predictable, biased, non-verifiable
  • Unpredictable, biased, verifiable
  • Predictable, unbiased, non-verifiable
Good randomness for Web3 should be:

  • Unpredictable: The randomness should be impossible to predict or anticipate. In other words, you shouldn’t be able to guess the random outcome. It should be like trying to predict the outcome of a fair coin toss – you can’t reliably guess heads or tails.
  • Unbiased: Randomness should not favour any particular outcome. It should be fair and not influenced by any external factors or biases. Think of it as a lottery where every ticket has an equal chance of winning. No outcome should be more likely than another.
  • Verifiable: You should be able to check and confirm the randomness on-chain to see that the random outcome was generated as claimed. It’s like being able to watch the live drawing of a lottery to ensure that it’s conducted fairly.
So, good randomness in Web3 is like a fair and unpredictable lottery that you can verify was conducted without any bias or manipulation. It’s a critical component for various applications, from gaming to securing blockchain networks.

Supra Mission 12 Answer

Question: How does Supra VRF achieve a decentralized process?

  • By keeping all computations on one node
  • By utilizing a threshold signature generated by a randomized VRF committee
  • By keeping verification off-chain
  • By relying on centralized nodes
Supra randomized VRF committee consists of multiple nodes, each contributing to generating the random outcome. These nodes are a bunch of computers working together, not just one.

Imagine you’re trying to pick a random item from a list, and instead of relying on one person to do it, you have a group of people, each picking a part of the choice. This way, it’s more fair and secure. That’s how Supra’s randomness works.

You can also think of Supra’s VRF as a group of cowboys deciding on a random prize for your lootbox in a video game. Instead of just one cowboy, they have several.

Each cowboy does a part of the work, and when they all agree, you get your prize. This makes it fair and secure because no single cowboy can cheat.

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Supra Mission 13 Answer

Question: Which of the following is true about the impact of Supra VRF on Web3 gaming?

  • Enabling unfair advantages for select players
  • Ensuring fair and unpredictable outcomes
  • Limiting the creativity of game developers
  • Slowing the overall gaming experience
Supra VRF makes Web3 gaming better by ensuring the game is fair, and the results are unpredictable. This means no player can have an unfair advantage, and the game is like a level playing field for everyone.

It’s like having a referee in a soccer game who makes sure that nobody cheats and the game is exciting and fair for everyone playing. So, it’s all about ensuring the game is fair and unpredictable, which is great for gamers.

Supra Mission 14 Answer

Question: What is the purpose of randomization in DORA?

  • It makes the protocol easier to manipulate
  • It secures the protocol from manipulation
  • It decides the number of clans in the tribe
  • It decreases the aggregators in the network
Supra uses randomization within DORA to protect the protocol from manipulation by häçkers and bad actors. By randomly shuffling the nodes (or drones) into different groups (tribes and clans) regularly, even if a häçker manages to infiltrate the network, they won’t know which group they’ll end up in next.

This makes it extremely difficult for them to manipulate the data because the network structure keeps changing. It’s like changing the lock code on a safe all the time to keep thieves out.

So, randomization aims to keep the data secure and protect it from being tampered with by dishonest folks.

Supra Mission 15 Answer

Question: How much discount does SNAP offer dApps for the first 6 months?

  • 90% off
  • 50% off
  • 75% off
  • 100% off
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Supra Mission 16 Answer

Question: Which projects can be referred by SNAP Affiliates?

  • Only gaming
  • Only L1s and L2s
  • Only DeFi
  • Any project on available networks
SNAP affiliates can refer and earn rewards for bringing in any project that wants to benefit from Supra’s services, regardless of its category or network.

Supra Mission 17 Answer

Question: What are bridges used for?

  • For maintaining verifiable records of assets
  • To make it easy to sign into apps
  • For moving within the same blockchain
  • To move between two unique blockchains
In the context of Web3, bridges are used to connect two blockchains.

These blockchains are like unique planets with their own rules and systems. So, you need a bridge when you want to move assets or data from one blockchain (planet) to another.

It’s like an interplanetary connector that allows you to cross between blockchains.

Supra Mission 18 Answer

Question: Where does HyperNova’s cross-chain bridgeless technology get its security from?

  • The cryptographic proofs of the origin chain’s consensus as well as Supra’s consensus
  • Only from Supra’s IntraLayer Security Guarantee
  • HyperNova isn’t secure
  • Only from the origin chain, such as Ethereum’s cryptographic proof
HyperNova’s cross-chain bridgeless technology stays secure by using two things:

  1. The security of the original blockchain: This is like the security guards on the planet where you have your assets. They make sure your assets are safe.
  2. Supra’s security: This is like having extra security guards from Supra who double-check everything to ensure it’s safe to move your assets.

Supra Mission 19 Answers

Question 1: How does Supra HyperNova benefit DeFi traders in cross-chain scenarios?

  • By preserving the security guarantees of the source chain
  • By making all cross-chain transactions fee-less
  • By outsourcing security to a small bridge node network
  • By introducing a much slower layer of security
Supra HyperNova helps DeFi traders when they want to move their assets between different blockchains (cross-chain). It does this by keeping the security of the blockchain where the assets come from (the source chain) safe and secure.

It’s like a superhero protecting your money when you move it to a new place.

Question 2: How does Supra HyperNova impact the risk-reward equation for cross-chain DeFi traders?

  • It makes risk decisions less calculated
  • It increases risks associated with cross-chain transactions
  • It eliminates all risks entirely from DeFi trading
  • It levels the playing field by removing conventional bridge-related risks
Before HyperNova, when traders wanted to move their assets between different blockchains, they had to use bridges, which could be risky. HyperNova eliminates the need for these risky bridges, so all traders are on the same level playing field.

This means traders can focus on trading without worrying about extra risks from using bridges.

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Question 3: How does Supra HyperNova achieve cross-chain interoperability without compromising security?

  • By translating the source chain’s proof into a universally verifiable proof
  • By creating a new security bridge for each chain
  • By outsourcing security to a separate bridge network
  • By introducing a one time use layer of cryptographic complexity
Supra HyperNova helps different blockchains understand each other without giving up their security.

It does this by taking the proof (like evidence) from the blockchain where your assets are (the source chain) and turning it into a special proof that all the other blockchains can read and agree on. It’s like speaking a language everyone understands while keeping things safe.

So, Supra HyperNova makes different blockchains work together by translating their proofs into a language they all understand without losing security.

Supra Mission 20 Answers

Question 1: What does Supra’s HyperNova provide beyond just bridging assets in Web3?

  • Universal translation and communication between blockchains
  • Exclusive NFT collections
  • AI-powered asset management
  • Enhanced mining capabilities
Supra’s HyperNova goes beyond just moving assets between different blockchains. It acts like a universal translator and allows different blockchains, like isolated planets, to talk to each other and share information.

This means it helps them communicate and work together, which is really important in Web3 (the internet’s next phase). It’s like helping planets from different solar systems understand each other’s languages and talk to each other.

Question 2: How does Supra’s HyperNova transform Web3?

  • By creating isolated blockchain communities
  • By limiting opportunities for cross-chain connections
  • By reducing the number of available dApps
  • By cryptographically connecting blockchains and their communities across Web3
Supra’s HyperNova transforms Web3 by creating strong connections between different blockchains and the communities that use them.

It does this using cryptography, a secret language used to keep information safe from people who shouldn’t see it. This connection allows people and projects on different blockchains to work together and share things, making Web3 more connected and collaborative.

It’s like building bridges between islands so everyone can visit and trade freely.

Question 3: How does Supra’s HyperNova benefit multi-chain gaming?

  • It can expand the player pool across different blockchains
  • It increases in-game currency values
  • It allows for faster local gameplay
  • It enhances graphics and sound quality
Supra’s HyperNova helps multi-chain gaming by allowing players from different blockchains (like different gaming communities) to join and play the same game. This means more people can join the game, making it more exciting and competitive.

Imagine if your favourite game could include players from all over, not just your neighbourhood. That means more friends to play with, making the game more awesome!

Supra Mission 21 Answers

Question 1: How many utilities of the $SUPRA token are explained in this mission?

  • Eight
  • Five
  • Six
  • Seven
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Supra Mission 21 explains six utilities of the $SUPRA token:

  1. Staking token: You can lock up $SUPRA tokens to help keep the network secure and get rewards for doing this.
  2. Work token: $SUPRA tokens let you do jobs on the network and get rewards for that work.
  3. Gas token: $SUPRA is the native token of the Supra blockchain. So, you’ll need it to pay for transaction fees (gas fees) on the Supra blockchain. $SUPRA tokens ensure transactions happen smoothly on the network and prevent it from getting clogged.
  4. Subscription token: Holding $SUPRA tokens gives builders discounts on certain network services, like a membership card for discounts at a store.
  5. Data access coin: $SUPRA tokens are like a special key to access important information on the network.
  6. Decentralized governance: If you hold $SUPRA tokens, you can make important decisions about how the network works. But you have to earn the right to make those decisions by doing good things for the network, not just by having lots of tokens.

Question 2: How does the $SUPRA token contribute to network security?

  • It offers discounts on token purchases
  • Users can lock their tokens to enhance network security and earn rewards
  • It operates as a weather prediction tool
  • It has no role in network security
The $SUPRA token contributes to network security by allowing users to lock their tokens to enhance network security and earn rewards. This means you can help make the Supra network safer by locking up your $SUPRRA tokens, and you’ll get rewards for doing so.

Question 3: How does the $SUPRA token encourage long-term user loyalty?

  • It rewards loyalty with higher fees
  • It has no impact on long-term partnerships
  • It only rewards new users
  • It rewards loyalty with discounted access to network services
The $SUPRA token rewards long-term user loyalty with discounted access to network services. This means that the more $SUPRA tokens a builder holds over time, the more they can save on using various services on the network.

Supra Mission 22 Answer

How does the $SUPRA token extend its utility beyond its native network?

  • By exclusively serving as a staking token.
  • By integrating with 40+ different blockchain networks and counting.
  • By providing services only within its ecosystem.
  • By restricting its use to one specific blockchain.
The $SUPRA token isn’t stuck on just one crypto network; it can work on many. It’s like a master key to open many different doors. So, it’s not limited to just one blockchain, and that’s why it can do more things.

Supra Mission 23 Answers

Question 1: Why is tokenomics important in blockchain projects?

  • It determines the color and design of blockchain tokens
  • It helps align incentives, promote participation, and foster decentralization
  • It is the only factor that shapes the user experience of blockchain applications
  • It defines the encryption algorithms used for token storage
Tokenomics is like the rulebook for how digital tokens work in a blockchain. It’s not about the colours or design, and it’s not just for looks.

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It’s super important because it decides how tokens encourage people to join in, participate, and ensure power isn’t all in one place. In other words, it helps ensure everyone plays fair and keeps things decentralised. So, it’s not about the colours or how things look but more about how it makes sure everyone’s on the same page in the blockchain world.

It’s like designing a game. You want the game’s rules to be fair so everyone wants to play and no one has too much power. Tokenomics is like creating those fair rules for the blockchain to be a good and fair system for everyone.

Question 2: How does the $SUPRA token promote decentralization?

  • By allowing only VCs to participate in the network
  • By involving the community and active participants in its tokenomics
  • By concentrating token holdings in a few large wallets
  • By allocating tokens to a central authority for decision-making
The $SUPRA token promotes decentralisation by ensuring it’s not controlled by a small group of people or a central authority. Instead, it involves the community and active participants in how the tokens are used and distributed.

In other words, it gives power to the people actively using and supporting the network, a key aspect of decentralisation.

The $SUPRA token ensures that many community members have a say and get tokens. This way, it makes the network fair and spreads control to many people. So, it promotes decentralisation by making sure everyone has a chance to be part of it.

Question 3: What does tokenomics refer to in the blockchain context?

  • The economic principles underlying the creation and operation of digital tokens
  • The study of physics used in blockchain transactions
  • The security protocols used to encrypt token transactions
  • The process of token minting on a database

Latest Quiz​

What is the benefit for Blast Off players in this token sale?​

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Maraming salamat sa sagot lods
pero namali sa latest quiz mission 24
B ang sagot: They get to skip verification and KYC steps during the public sale.

ok lang lods, salamat parin lods.