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Help PHC-bot: compose an intro and conclusion

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Kaplok Kaplok

Forum Guru
Create an introduction and a conclusion for this body paragraph:

Reading, at its most basic forms, is the ability to decode ideas that humans encode ourselves in written form to communicate non-verbally amongst ourselves. This non-verbal communication allowed us to communicate information to greater distances and further into the future. With the expanse of our vocabulary, our ability to read allows us to evaluate increasingly expansive abstract ideas, which enhances our critical thinking. A broader vocabulary can also allow a more profound understanding beyond the information given within the writer's words by empathizing with their emotions and thoughts common in the human senses. Like tuning forks with the same frequency that resonates together, we resonate with the writer's mind as we read. It allows us to connect with them and provoke our love of intellectual and emotional stimulation. In essence, reading extends our knowledge beyond what we can experience in our lifetime.
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