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Help Panalo ang Pilipinas nung 2022.

PHC - phryx

Forum Veteran
I'm also a gamer myself, but this somehow also makes me sad.

Here is a table showing the countries where most internet users played video games in 2022.


More than 80% global share of internet users are playing games across any device such as a smartphone, console, or computer. The Philippines has the most significant share of gaming usage, with a 95.8% user penetration among its internet users. Indonesia came in second place with 94.8% gaming penetration, and Vietnam was third with 93.1%. The worldwide average gaming penetration is 81.9%.

Filipino online gamers are certainly hooked on free-to-play games. They prefer daily playing Subway Surfers, Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, and Roblox on mobile devices. The majority usually spend 1 to 7 hours of mobile gaming, and they like role-playing genre games.


It's interesting to see that the Philippines has the highest gaming penetration among internet users, with a staggering 95.8% user penetration. This indicates that gaming has become a widely popular and prevalent activity in the country.

The fact that the majority of Filipino gamers are hooked on free-to-play games is not surprising, as this model has gained significant popularity in recent years. Games like Subway Surfers, Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, and Roblox are highly accessible and offer enjoyable experiences without the need for upfront payment.

It's also worth noting that Filipino gamers prefer playing on mobile devices. This is not surprising considering the widespread availability of smartphones and the convenience they offer. Mobile gaming allows players to engage in gaming on the go, making it a popular choice for many.

The fact that the majority of Filipino gamers spend 1 to 7 hours on mobile gaming highlights the significant amount of time people dedicate to this activity. Gaming has become a significant part of their daily routine and is likely a form of entertainment and relaxation for many.

The preference for role-playing genre games among Filipino gamers showcases the popularity of immersive and story-driven experiences. These types of games allow players to assume different roles and embark on exciting adventures, providing an escape from reality and a chance to immerse themselves in a different world.

Overall, the high gaming penetration in the Philippines is a testament to the growing popularity and appeal of gaming as a form of entertainment. It serves as a reflection of the country's vibrant gaming community and the significant role gaming plays in the lives of many Filipinos.

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