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Closed How to Clean Your Laptop

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Most computer users prefer laptop because of its lightweight and versatility. Even those who already have a desktop PC don’t hesitate to buy a laptop as their PC’s mobile counterpart so that they can always access their documents wherever they are. Both computers have to be cleaned regularly as a regular maintenance job because dirt and dust can be harmful to their components.

Why Should You Clean Your Laptop More Frequently?
A laptop is different from a desktop computer. Therefore, they have to be treated differently. Both devices need cleaning, but you have to clean your laptop more frequently because dirt harms your laptop more than it harms your desktop computer. If dirt and dust enter your laptop, they will remain there for a very long time because you can never disassemble your laptop, unless you want to lose its warranty, to damage its case, or to spend difficult time opening its specially designed case. If you have a desktop PC, you can clean its interior with no trouble because its case is fairly easy to disassemble and its warranty rarely becomes void if you only open its case without replacing or altering any of its internal components.


How to Clean Your Laptop
Because you have to clean your laptop more frequently, you have to know how to clean your laptop properly. There are two ways to clean your laptop. First, you can use laptop cleaning kit that you can buy from online stores like Amazon. Second, you can use household products, which are cheaper and easier to get. If you buy a cleaning kit, you will mostly get a cleaning spray containing cleaning liquid that is specifically prepared for cleaning laptop screen, a gentle and soft micro fiber cloth that you can use to polish your laptop without causing scratch, a USB port cleaning tool, and a brush to clean your keyboard. You may also get a USB-powered vacuum that you can use to suck dust and dirt from your laptop’s keyboard.

However, even without using those fancy tools, you can still clean your laptop by using products that you can find at your kitchen. There are several products that you have to prepare before you clean your laptop, including:

  • A piece of soft and gentle cloth that is lint free. Remember that lint may come off from the cloth. If you use linty cloth to clean your laptop, the loose fibers may mess your laptop.
  • Mild pH neutral dish detergent, which doesn’t contain harsh ingredient.
  • Gas duster, or compressed air duster.
  • Isopropyl *******, because it is non-toxic, it evaporates quickly, and it dissolves various things that make your laptop dirty.
You need to know what each of those products is used for. You will use the cloth, after being damped by a mixture of mild detergent and warm water and wringed out, to clean the outer surface of your laptop, which includes its lid and bottom. For the detergent, you can use any brands of pH neutral detergent that are available at the market, such as Seventh Generation, Dawn, Palmolive, and Green Works Free and Clear. Because you are using water, you have to make sure that the laptop has been properly shut down and that its battery has been removed before you clean it. You can also use this mixture to clean the screen.

After cleaning the outer body of the laptop, you can start cleaning its keyboard. Use gas duster to remove dust and ******* to remove oily stain on the surface of its buttons.


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